Decide and GO

By implementing outreach, activation, support and education activities, we want to enable young inactive people in NEET status access and active participate in the labour market.

Name of the project: "Decide and GO" (code no. UP.

Project duration: 24 months (from July 12, 2021 to July 12, 2023)

Project manager: Centre for Social Inclusion Šibenik

Partners on the project:

Croatian Employment Service - Regional Office Šibenik,

Social Welfare Centre Šibenik,

Social Welfare Centre Knin.

Project value: The total value of the project is EUR 180.832,18 and financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, within the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020.

The goal of the project: Through the implementation of outreach, activation, support and education activities enable young inactive people in NEET status to access and active participate in the labour market.

Target group: At least 15 young people between the aged of 15 to 29 from Šibenik - Knin County who are not employed, not receiving education or training and not in the register of unemployed persons of the Croatian Employment Service (inactive).


As part of the project, a mobile team consisting of two members and a mentor was formed. Their task is to detect persons in NEET status and then to motivate them for inclusion in project activities:

  1. outreach activities and activation of inactive persons in NEET status
  • "Soft" skills workshops: "Be creative", "Communication skills", "Express yourself".

Attending workshops, participants will develop creativity, increase communication and negotiation skills, and raise their level of self-esteem. Each workshop lasts 2 days (16 hours in total).

  • Individual activity plans create with the purpose of activation and strengthening for job seeking, training or further formal education.
  1. support activities for inactive persons in NEET status
  • Mentoring services and counselling services are provided with the aim of identifying obstacles in employment, providing support in solving and motivating to join the labour market. The content will be adapted, so people with disabilities can participate equally(an appropriate communication channel is provided),
  • Work diaries for each participant.
  1. education activities of persons in NEET status and information on the state of the labour market
  • Personal entrepreneurial development workshops: "Be entrepreneurial" and "Realize an entrepreneurial idea". Attending workshops, participants will develop of entrepreneurial skills and ideas (from idea to realization). Each workshop lasts 2 days (16 hours in total).
  • Information provided by Career information and counselling centres (CISOK) about trends in the labour market, the possibilities of using job search tools and correct CV writing,
  • Enrolment in a verified education program in accordance with the wishes and interests of the participants. Upon completion of the verified education program, participants will obtain a public document, it is necessary to obtain a public document that will facilitate their future employment.

Participation in the project is completely free for all participants: free attendance at workshops, free work materials, free financed travel expenses from the place of residence to the place of activity, and free enrolment in a verified education program.


Expected results:

  • A minimum of 15 people in NEET status informed, educated and empowered for active participation in the labour market, increased communication and negotiation skills and increased self-esteem achieved through participation on soft skills and entrepreneurial development workshops,
  • A minimum of 15 people in NEET attended "soft" skills workshops and personal entrepreneurial development workshops,
  • A minimum of 15 people in NEET status informed about trends in the labour market, the possibilities of using job search tools and writing CV,
  • A minimum of 15 persons in NEET status completed a verified education program,
  • Created individual activity plans for at least 15 people in NEET status,
  • Mentoring service provided for a minimum of 15 people in NEET status,
  • Counselling service provided for a minimum of 15 persons in NEET status.
Decide and GO

Centre for Social Inclusion Sibenik is user of institutional support of National Foundation for Civil Society Development for the stabilization and development of the association